Hello, I am Fikri Rasyid

I've blogged here since 2008
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(Mostly cross-post from my Instagram Feed)
The Pain Worth Struggling For

The Pain Worth Struggling For

Written by Fikri RasyidRecently, between all the issues I am currently facing, I stumble upon this question: If all the issues, all the trouble, all the anxiety, all the stress, and all the problem shape me into a person that someday will be able to help my children...

By Your Side

By Your Side

It is quite weird that as I grow older, sleeping becomes one of frequently encountered issue I got. I used to be able to sleep very easily. Lie down, close my eyes for significant amount of seconds, then off I go to the land of dream. It's not that simple anymore....

Save One Person

Save One Person

I'm pretty sure it was Steve Jobs' view on perfectionism (particularly from Walter Isaacson's biography) that shaped my view on how and what should I work on. Particularly, on what should I make, share, and write. Is this the best thing that I can write? Is this great...

Eid Al-Adha 2018

Eid Al-Adha 2018

There was celebration of Eid Al-Adha in the middle of August 2018. My extended family from my mother side has its own tradition when it comes to celebrating Eid Al-Adha. In my family, the day is generally can be divided into three parts: The actual ritual, family...

Groceries at Superindo Dago

Groceries at Superindo Dago

I recently purchased Sony A7ii + 28mm f2.0 OSS lens earlier this month to achieve full-frame mirrorless experience with wider field of view and better dynamic range. I'm so excited and carrying it everywhere including to the supermarket. I can say the that the result...

An Afternoon in Rainbow Garden

An Afternoon in Rainbow Garden

I have been to Lembang's Floating Market couple of times. I knew that they are expanding their site with new thematic parks (if you can call them "parks") but i haven't had a chance to visit it. Couple of weeks a go my in-laws are in town and we have this free time on...

Eid Mubarak 2018

Eid Mubarak 2018

Me and my wife have a pact to take turns on big family holiday such as Eid Mubarak and Eid Al-Adha: If this year we celebrate it in Bandung (my hometown), next year we'll celebrate it in Cirebon (her hometown). This year is Cirebon's turn. We'll celebrate Eid Mubarak...

Genggong Iftar 2018

Genggong Iftar 2018

This year I had a chance to attend iftar with my close college friends (we deliberately reference ourself as Genggong for the sake of referencing) besides my #LimamuUnite buddies. We were close friends during college due to the class we were in  and this year marks a...


Stuffs that crossed my mind
New Macbook Powered by M1 Chip

New Macbook Powered by M1 Chip

I can safely say that I lean toward the fanboy side given the amount of Apple product that I use, but i was VERY skeptical about this new line of macbooks with Apple-built processor dubbed with M1 chip. However when the reviews came out with M1 performs better even...

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Upgrading Graphic Card for Gaming PC

Upgrading Graphic Card for Gaming PC

I recently updated graphic card of my gaming PC which i built five years ago-ish. The PC was built with “i want it to run any game” goal in mind but it seems like the spec is out of date it wasn’t capable to run two games i want to play recently: Horizon Zero Dawn and...

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Five stages of house

Five stages of house

It takes sometime to understand that many things in life won’t arrive as you wish it at once. They come in stages instead. For example, your first job won’t be your dream job. It is most likely requires couple of job-change until you land on that dream job of yours....

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Are you into video? Check out our YouTube Channel

Me and my wife started family-related YouTube channel in late 2016. Recent videos:
Decade in Review: 2010 – 2019

Decade in Review: 2010 – 2019

I'm really intrigued by the idea of writing down my decade in review (2010 - 2019) post for couple of reason: It gives bigger picture of what i managed to do. Some things took more time than a year to be achieved after all.2010 - 2019 is practically my young adult to...

Mexico Trip 2019

Mexico Trip 2019

Mexico Trip 2019Sept - Oct 2019Written and photographed (mostly) by Fikri RasyidIntroIt's hard to believe that it's already the time for Elegant Themes' annual retreat again. Last time we went to the Barcelona, Spain. This year, we did tropical vibe for the retreat....

Chinatown Bandung

Chinatown Bandung

I visited Chinatown Bandung on December 2018 but couldn't post these photos until today for some reasons. The reason why we visited Chinatown Bandung was simple: my in-law was in town and we wanted to take her to go somewhere new. It's been a while since we heard of...

Ciwidey Trip

Ciwidey Trip

It's been awhile since three of us go somewhere new. It's been a very hectic year on work and all. Thus couple of weeks ago we decided to take a break and do a one night weekend gateway trip to Ciwidey. Ciwidey is still inside Kabupaten Bandung area and only an hour...

The Pain Worth Struggling For

The Pain Worth Struggling For

Written by Fikri RasyidRecently, between all the issues I am currently facing, I stumble upon this question: If all the issues, all the trouble, all the anxiety, all the stress, and all the problem shape me into a person that someday will be able to help my children...

By Your Side

By Your Side

It is quite weird that as I grow older, sleeping becomes one of frequently encountered issue I got. I used to be able to sleep very easily. Lie down, close my eyes for significant amount of seconds, then off I go to the land of dream. It's not that simple anymore....

Save One Person

Save One Person

I'm pretty sure it was Steve Jobs' view on perfectionism (particularly from Walter Isaacson's biography) that shaped my view on how and what should I work on. Particularly, on what should I make, share, and write. Is this the best thing that I can write? Is this great...

Eid Al-Adha 2018

Eid Al-Adha 2018

There was celebration of Eid Al-Adha in the middle of August 2018. My extended family from my mother side has its own tradition when it comes to celebrating Eid Al-Adha. In my family, the day is generally can be divided into three parts: The actual ritual, family...