Mendefinisikan Sesuatu

Mendefinisikan Sesuatu

Seumur-umur kuliah di jurusan Bahasa Inggris UPI, gue ngga pernah suka dengan textbook yang muter-muter dalam mendefinisikan sesuatu. Untuk mendefinisikan nature of writing ability misalnya, Weigle (2002) harus muter-muter dulu ngomongin apa kata Grabe dan Kaplan...

Best Gifts Mom Ever Gives

Here are two of the best gifts my mom gives me: attitude and way of thinking. *** After I reached my early adultery stage (post highschool phase) my mom never gave me fancy clothing, latest mobile phone, cool video game or a nice ride like my auties did to my cousins....

The Irony of Education

I hate the fact that I forget most things that I had learned in the classrooms. Information and knowledge are received but soon enough most of them will fade away. Most of the information and knowledge will be forgotten. Most of the time, what stay and help me later...