Kata-Kata Motivasi Dari The Secret

..Thoughts Become Things.. ..You get what you think the most… …Focus yourself to what you really really want, happily… …Create your own universe as you go along… …Tidak mungkin memiliki jagat raya tanpa ada pemikiran yang...

Cerita Nyata: Bukti Langsung Keajaiban Memberi

Give Freely, without expectations Give anonymously, if it all possible Give joyously, with a smile You are making difference in the world when you give You are making difference in your own life when you give You are making difference right now when you give Give! The...

Tentang “To Live Is To Give”

Hari Selasa: Hari ini, saya kembali belajar banyak tentang kehidupan. To live is to give. To love is to give. To be rich is to give. To care is to give. To forgive is to give. i learn something new again, Let’s live to give. Lima kalimat diatas adalah kalimat...