An Alternative for ‘Federated’ Social Network

Lately the idea of having a web service which is: federated, a form of real time API which is focused on users not advertisers and giving back to power of controlling the data to its user, emerges. What’s funny is I think WordPress can handle, well not all but,...

Front End & WordPress Theme Development Toolbox

A better tool doesn’t make a better craftsman, but a good tool makes working a pleasure. – Oliver Reichenstein, Information Architects These are the tools I use to make my working more pleasurable. More pleasurable work leads me to more work since I’m not...
Back To TwentyEleven

Back To TwentyEleven

Last night i decided to use TwentyEleven as the theme of this blog. To be honest, as a theme developer it’s a kind of weird for me not to use my own theme for my own site. It’s like a house maker who doesn’t have a house for his own. Actually, I...

Dua Tahun Jadi Freelancer

Well, tidak tepat dua tahun juga sih. Sudah lebih dari dua tahun saya nyambi jadi freelancer front end web development / WordPress theme developer sembari menyelesaikan pendidikan saya di Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Salah satu alasannya...


Project WordPress Theme terbaru saya yang baru dirilis: It was a great project. Hats off untuk Pak Danu Widhyatmoko selaku project manager dan designer dari theme ini. Ada beberapa bagian dari WordPress theme ini yang sangat tricky, sebisa dan...