Opus is WordPress theme that is passionately crafted by Fikri Rasyid for you who have stories, ideas, experiences, and legacies to be beautifully told. Its main focus is making a remarkable reading experience for your blog’s reader. The rest is secondary.
Here are the features that we thoughtfully added to Opus, in order to reach that goal:
WordPress’ Native Features Support
Post Format Support
(Aside, Video, Photo, Quote, and Link)
Custom Header Support + Parallax
Adjust your site’s header with parallax animation.
Customizer Support
Customize your site easily using WordPress’ native customizer.
Widget Support
Customize your footer’s content easily using WordPress’ native widgets.
Opus Specific Features
Focused One Column Layout
Focus on your content, not the other stuffs.
Mobile First, Responsive Design
Opus is developed using mobile first approach. It is intentionally made to look great on any devices.
Smart Color
Select a color for your site through Customizer. Opus will apply it brilliantly to give your blog more personality.
Beautiful Typography
Opus is made with readability in mind. Opus is all about great reading experience.
Contextual Time Divider
Your blog represents your thoughts in timely manner. The presentation of your content in Opus is divided brilliantly per day, month, and year: giving correct sense of time for your reader.
Thoughtful UX
We made every aspects on Opus as thoughtful as possible: infinite scroll support via Jetpack, media-width adjustment, scroll up bar, and responsive design.
Third Party Plugins Support
Opus is made to be compatible and complimentary for these following plugins:
CF Post Format
Developed by Crowd Favorite, CF Post Format is made to give WordPress’ post format the UI it deserves. Any post meta-data stored for particular post format will be appropriately displayed in Opus.
Jetpack‘s Infinite Scroll
Developed by Automattic, Jetpack has its own infinite scroll module to endlessly display posts on your homescreen. Just plug and activate Jetpack and its Infinite scroll module. The rest has been handled by Opus.
Developed by yours trully, WP-IG imports and syncs your Instagram photo/video to your WordPress site. Opus displays these imported Instagram photo/video appropriately.
Civil Footnotes
Developed by Austin Sweeney, Civil Footnotes makes adding footnotes easy with its Markdown-Like writing pattern. Very worth to use. Opus displays Civil Footnotes-generated footnotes beautifully.
Ready to make your blog more awesome? Download Opus on WordPress Theme Repository for FREE now
December 14th, 2013 – Available at WordPress Theme Repository
Opus has been approved by WordPress Theme Reviewer and it is available on the WordPress Theme repository.
July 13th, 2014 – Version 1.1
Seven months after its inception to WordPress repository, there are some stuffs that I think need to be added, tweaked, and fixed. Hence the version 1.1:
- Hiding top navigation when the page user scrolls down the page. Display the top navigation when the user scrolls up the page. Saving screen space for more important focus: the content. Inspired by this article
- Adding support for Infinite Scroll feature provided by Jetpack
- Adding support for WP-IG, the Instagram – WordPress integration plugin
- Displaying embed code, oEmbed-supported link, or url to video stored on post meta ‘_format_video_embed’ as video on single page. Note: I recommend Crowd Favorite’s wp-post-format plugin for better UX for post format
- Subtle improvement on design: smaller content width to make featured image on post format image more digestable, changing typography from open sans to roboto (IMO it is more sharper especially when it is used on large font-size), adding parallax effect to page image cover, adding subtle shadow to give sense of depth to the layout, inspired by Android Material Design
- Hiding tag box if there’s no tag to be displayed
- Fixing top nav behavior on small screen
August 5th, 2014 – Version 1.2
Version 1.2 is here! This version is basically a visual enhancement and more support for third party plugins:
- Fixing search form bug on 404 template
- Adding better looking sticky post UI
- Prevent entry category crashes with entry time
- Fixing strict standard issue on PHP 5.4
- Turn of parallax effect on touch device because jQuery’s .scroll() doesn’t play nice with touch
- WP-IG support: adding Instagram icon if the post is Imported Instagram media
- Enhanced UI: adding date, month, and year divider
- Enhanced UI: adjust javascript based effect if the window is resized
- Resizing featured image to optimize page load
- Enhanced UI: changing default page cover photo
- Enhanced UI: fading out page cover as a complement of parallax effect
- Civil Footnotes: Adding custom styling for civil footnotes-generated footnote.
- Changing screenshot image to the better version
- Jetpack support: tweaking styling for comment email subscription checkbox
- Adding custom styling for dashboard header editing