The Encrypted Message

I just read The Verge’s piece entitled Encryption might be the reason we’ve never heard from aliens, says Snowden and couldn’t help but wondering: could it be the signal from God is encrypted as well? Some of the human can understand the...
Salah satu tantangan psikis ya…

Salah satu tantangan psikis ya…

Salah satu tantangan psikis yang agak berat saat jadi orang tua adalah menghindari ngebanding-bandingin anak sediri dengan anak orang lain terus mikir “anak gue lebih oke dari anak dia” atau “anak gue kok ngga seoke anak dia ya”. Semua anak...

My iOS9’s Most Favourite Feature

My favourite feature of iOS9 so far is obviously “Back To App” link which appears on the top bar when I open an app via tapping incoming notification: Now I can click incoming notification with confidence; Gone are the days when I said “what the heck...