#sahurpakeapa2013 #day18 sahur…

#sahurpakeapa2013 #day18 sahur…

#sahurpakeapa2013 #day18 sahur di rumah, full team. Alhamdulillah :’)View Original: <a href=’http://instagram.com/p/cPogxBCCEj/’ title=’#sahurpakeapa2013 #day18 sahur di rumah, full team. Alhamdulillah :’)’...
Welcome to the world, nephew. …

Welcome to the world, nephew. …

Welcome to the world, nephew. Congratulation Teh Dini n A Ging :’)View Original: <a href=’http://instagram.com/p/cO17BhiCEP/’ title=’Welcome to the world, nephew. Congratulation Teh Dini n A Ging :’)’...
#bukapakeapa2013 #day17 bukjal…

#bukapakeapa2013 #day17 bukjal…

#bukapakeapa2013 #day17 bukjal on the way to bandung. Abis ngasih prlatihan jadi cape banget dan ketiduran pula. Kalo g ditelpon n dibangunin @rizkiyafauziyah mah mungkin bablas terus ketiduran sampe bandung :3View Original: http://instagram.com/p/cOhow8CCAw/