Hello, I am

Fikri Rasyid

Indonesian. Father of two. Muslim. Web developer. I’ve blogged here since 2008.

About the blog

It started with “i want a place where i can share my idea in any form that i want“. Over the years i also realize that this is also a form of self expression which helps me to connect with like-minded people.

If you enjoy what you are reading, let’s get to know each other.

Travel ✈︎

I pour hours and lots of love into these. Extensively written and photo-driven blog post. Looks better in desktop / large screen.


Mexico Trip (2019)

Spain Trip (2018)

Japan Trip (2017)

Recent Posts

I used to be “try to only put my best stuff out there“- kinda guy. These days i realize that it significantly held me back from doing anything so these days so i simply write and hit publish whenever I have a chance to do so.

Identitas Professional

Tadi pagi gue ngelanjutin ngebaca ulang The Startup of You-nya Reid Hoffman dan Ben Casnocha dan nemu (lagi) quote ini: Establish identity independent of your employer, city, and industry Karena dunia dan kesempatan berubah terus. Detroit yang dulu kota besar karena...

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Clean App

If you're too lazy to manually organize your desktop folder, use clean app (FREE). It will automatically move all your /Desktop files to /Document/Desktop/current_month folder every morning. You can force move it manually if you want to. Super handy.

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Gue baru tau kalo proses ngeco…

Gue baru tau kalo proses ngeco…

Gue baru tau kalo proses ngecor atap itu: 1) harus langsung beres dalam satu waktu 2) bisa makan waktu sampe tiga minggu 3) harus digenangin air sehari semalam, memeperkuat dan mastiin kalo ngga bocor There're so many things to learn.View Original:...

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Spoiled & Ungrateful

https://twitter.com/BonsaiSky/status/555220351224123393 One of the best tweet I read this week. Furthermore, it makes me think about my atheist acquaintance who argued that "God never answer my prayer hence it doesn't exist" and "God lets war happens and children...

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Akhirnya punya kesempatan untu…

Akhirnya punya kesempatan untu…

Akhirnya punya kesempatan untuk main di alun-alun bandung yg baru di-facelift dengan @rizkiyafauziyah. Kalo weekend gini keramean banget, g rekomen. Tapi seneng jg warga bandung punya public place. Ngga sempurna sih, tapi dibanding dulu, kondisi sekarang jauh lebih...

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