WordPress is a “a node” on the web which anyone can easily install (and customize!) in minutes in almost any hosting service available. I think I start to see what Matt stated about the future of WordPres: “an app platform”.
WordPress isn’t perfect, but:
1. It is continously improved and supported by the community
2. It is easy enough for newbie to dive in. Strong enough for the big guy to use
3. It is affordable: you can install it even on any cheap hosting service
4. It is easy to be used
5. It is extendable. Pretty-able too (yeah, that is a made up word)
As there’s no one solution for all problems, it should be noted that WordPress is not suitable for all kind of “app” scheme. As Alex King of Crowd Favorite stated :
I’m on record saying that WordPress isn’t a great general purpose app platform but it’s ideal for journaling apps;
Capsule, The Developer’s Journal
Still, you can use WordPress as “jQuery” of web app. There’s cross browser compatibility issue for jQuery, an there’s an easy installation issue for WordPress. Install WordPress and you have a flexible base for at least pretty permalink routing, database interaction, and user role which will work in most user’s hosting service. You can forget the dashboard, create your own database tables, and write your custom API if you will.
It sounds like a cool base for decentralization of the web.