Why Do I Prefer Blogging Instead of Tweeting

by | Aug 31, 2014 | Essays

Brent Simmons on social media:

My blog’s older than Twitter and Facebook, and it will outlive them. It has seen Flickr explode and then fade. It’s seen Google Wave and Google Reader come and go, and it’ll still be here as Google Plus fades. When Medium and Tumblr are gone, my blog will be here.

This is one of the reason why I prefer blogging my thought instead of posting it on social networks ((Twitter, Facebook, or Path)) recently. I still post photos and videos on Instagram because it offers easier workflow and experience to post photos and videos. However, I have had my Instagram contents synced to my blog using WP-IG:

imported Instagram content

To be honest, this is also one of my motivation on developing WP-IG: to have my Instagram content backup-ed into my blog.