While uploading batch of photos to the Facebook’s new photo album I just made, I adjusted the photo album’s date to the time when the picture was taken. This is where the weirdness begin:
First, after adjusting the album’s date, the time picker doesn’t indicate the time chosen. Instead, it goes back to the “Add Date” copy.

The initial state: “Add Date” Copy

After clicking “Add Date” link, a datepicker appears.

After clicking “Done”, here’s what i get instead of showing date / time selected. Back to square one.
Second one, user shouldn’t set the timestamp. On desktop app, logically user will upload the photo AFTER the event where the photo was taken. Thus, adjusting photo’s timestamp would be a consequence if the user is care with ordering their photos in chronologically correct order. It’s not gonna be a problem for few photos but it’s gonna be ridiculously annoying when uploading lots of photos.
I strongly think that it’d be better for Facebook to automatically set photo’s timestamp to the time the photo is taken, just like iPhoto, Everpix and DayOne app did. That’d make Facebook Photo’s experience more seamless and awesome.
Note: this critiques and ideas kind of post toward Facebook is inspired by Youssef Sarhan’s Yo Zuck! Implement This.
Interested to post this issue on http://developers.facebook.com/bugs/ ?
Anyway, perhaps Facebook should detect the date from photo’s EXIF data.
Woah, just know that link. Thanks 😀
That’s what i thought.