Mr.BIG’s What if – been ordered this to my favorite local music store for months. Finally i able to get it through iTunes instead
Last week, the long-awaited iTunes music store is finally coming to Indonesia. A superb news for me. Refusing to create the US Apple ID to buy legal songs online, i often come to local music stores at Bandung (which aren’t really much these days) to buy CD and rip it to the iTunes for later use. The annoying thing is the restriction of physical store: albums i want to buy is often unavailable. This sucks, and this is what iTunes music Indonesia solves for me: a legal, relatively easy and surprisingly cheaper way to purchase music online, with amounts of collections to offer.
After a week of its availability, i’ve downloaded two albums1 and couple of songs2 which costed me around IDR 150k. The temptation of checking the store and downloading stuffs is ridiculously strong. Downloading a la carte song enables me to buy particular song without wasting money on the whole album. However buying a song feels incomplete comparing to buy an album. Thus it urges me to buy more and more song and ends up spending more money than the usual.
I’m happy that iTunes music store finally come to Indonesia. However, regardless of its solution to purchase music legally, this could drag me to the state of ‘never satisfied with what i already have‘ and ‘wanting to buy things more and more‘. It’s a solution / tool which requires me to practice my ability to control my own desires.
Footnotes :
- 1 Brandon Boyd’s The Wild Trapeze and Mr. BIG’s What If. It’s hard to find these two albums on the physical music store these days. Seriously.
- 2 Skyfall, Chasing Pavements (Adele), Tanyaku, Pilihlah Aku (Sheila on 7), Payphone (Maroon 5), Stranger Things Have Happened (Foo Fighters)
Fik, mau tanya. Belinya harus pake Apple ID kah? Gue belum punya nih, dulu sempet mau bikin, tapi gak bisa karena kudu daftarin CC juga, padahal belum punya CC. Pembayaran pake apa aja ya? Harus pake CC juga?
Anyway spesifikasi file nya gimana, Fik? Mp3? Aac? Flac? 320 kbps? Thanks.
Pake Apple ID pastinya. Akun Apple ID gue yang Indonesia dan karena gue apply cc kaga diterima2, gue pake punya nyokap ntar kalo tagihan akhir bulan udah dateng gue ganti :))
Spesifikasinya, gue liat sih:
AAC Audio File
Bit Rate 256 kbps
Sample Rate 44.100 kHz
Profile: low complexity
Channels: Stereo
Kurang lebih gitu nus 😀