
The theme you are currently viewing on fikrirasyid.com is a work in progress. I designed (using the free version of Designmodo’s Square UI kit as its basis) & developed it myself using _s starter theme as its basis. Keep an eye on this page for further...
A Thought of ‘Front End Editing’ for WordPress

A Thought of ‘Front End Editing’ for WordPress

WordPress may be easy to use for lots of people. However, i personally see that it should be even easier. Once in a while, as WordPress theme developer for a private university in Jakarta, I have to train University staffs (some of them are middle-aged) of how to...
The Details on Developing WordPress Theme

The Details on Developing WordPress Theme

I personally believe that developing custom WordPress theme is not only about creating ‘skin’ or ‘appearance’ of a WordPress-based site. It’s about the whole experience: presenting the content (obviously), and what often be missed is...
Undesigned State & Salah Desain

Undesigned State & Salah Desain

Sebagai front end / WordPress theme developer, umumnya klien gue adalah web desainer atau agency yang udah punya desain sendiri. Jadi mereka ngasih gue desain web dalam format .PSD yang lalu kemudian gue slice, tulis HTML-nya dan kalau yang bersangkutan butuh, gue...