Screen Staring Contest

I think I stare at digital screen for approximately 12 hours per day, in average. If I think about it, really think about, it’s quite depressing.

Dibunuh Makanan Sendiri

Seinget gue, awal 2000-an dulu tiap kali ada yang bilang seseorang kena penyakit degeneratif (stroke, jantung, kanker, dll) biasanya orang tersebut usianya diatas 60an. Sekarang, makin banyak orang di-usia 40an keatas yang kena penyakit degeneratif. Heck, beberapa...

Surround Yourself

Human being is product of his / her habits. Habits are formed by actions. Actions are triggered by words. Words are manifestation of one’s thought. Thought are consciously or unconsciously modified by its surrounding. Thus, surround yourself with great things is...