by Fikri Rasyid | Sep 1, 2014 | Uncategorized
Keeping logs of my income and expense using Toshl has been a habit of mine since 2012. That’s pretty much how I figured out where all my money went. Since I married my wife two months ago, I kinda want to reset my account so all the logs stored on my Toshl is a...
by Fikri Rasyid | Dec 15, 2013 | Uncategorized
Gue baru menyadari betapa redundant-nya homescreen iPhone gue. Alasannya sederhana: gue menggunakan beberapa app untuk keperluan yang sama. Journal DayOne – Nice UX, men-support iCloud, dan ada Mac App-nya. Mac App-nya diem di menu bar pula. Momento – Nice...
by Fikri Rasyid | Jan 27, 2013 | Essays
Ada begitu banyak messanging Apps yang tersedia di App Store. Dari sekian banyak, ada empat apps yang gue install dan gunakan secara rutin: Line, Messages (SMS & iMessage bawaan iOS), WhatsApp dan (Facebook) Messanger. Buat gue, urutan frekuensi penggunaannya...
by Fikri Rasyid | Aug 5, 2012 | Uncategorized
Homescreen is generally the first thing you see after you unlock the phone. Thus, I think it reflects the app you use the most. I personally order the apps I installed according to their usage. Here is my Homescreen as in August 2012: Out Twitter for iPhone Actually,...
by Fikri Rasyid | Aug 2, 2012 | WordPress
A better tool doesn’t make a better craftsman, but a good tool makes working a pleasure. – Oliver Reichenstein, Information Architects These are the tools I use to make my working more pleasurable. More pleasurable work leads me to more work since I’m not...