On Apple

They are not perfect (c’mon people, is there any such thing?), but they made decision. They have their version of future they want to create and they made decisions, bold decisions, to go there. Their products reflect their decisions, and making bold decisions...

The 1 Billion Lawsuit

Regardless of the legal issue, I think the problem with this Apple vs Samsung thing is Samsung did a pretty crappy job by copying Apple’s visual solution. They just copying. Even worse, i think they made a less than equivalent copy of Apple’s visual...

The Importance of Backup-ing Your Data

Have you read this story? http://www.emptyage.com/post/28679875595/yes-i-was-hacked-hard This is freakin scary. That’s one of the reason why i can’t FULLY trusted cloud based solution. Nothing is perfect, tho. The fact that the iCloud account was stolen...

Seputar Upgrade RAM MacBook Pro

Seinget gue, dulu perasaan PC / laptop dengan RAM 1GB itu udah wah banget. Pertama kali make MacBook Pro awal 2011 lalu dan tau kalo RAM-nya 4 GB pun, perasaan gue bilang dengan jumawanya “wkwkwkwk (masih jamannya wkwkwkwk), udah kuat ini laptop dipake apapun...

Add to Home Screen

Sudah menggunakan fitur Add to Home Screen pada Safari Mobile? Add to Home Screen merupakan fitur sederhana yang sudah lama ada di iOS namun baru kemarin saya menyadari manfaatnya yang sangat awesome. Pada dasarnya, Add to Home Screen berfungsi sama seperti bookmark....