Seven months after publishing Opus to WordPress Theme Repository, there are some stuffs that I think need to be added, tweaked, and fixed. Hence, here comes the version 1.1 of Opus:

Every pixel of screen space is precious


Marius Craciunoiu’s article on Medium inspired me to save the screen space taken by fixed top navigation upon scrolling. Now top navigation will be automatically hidden when visitor scroll down the window and smartly appears when the window is scrolled up. Now you can even focus more on the content without anything get in the way.

Adding support for Jetpack’s Infinite Scroll Module

I’m a fan of intuitive interaction and clicking next page just to load the next posts feels unintuitive. Let’s do an infinite scroll then. Instead of adding my own infinite scroll mechanism, I decided to support Jetpack‘s Infinite scroll module. This came in handy: none is forced to use infinite scroll. You can decide to use it or note by simply installing Jetpack.

keep loadin thin'

Anyway, for those who doesn’t like Jetpack forcing connection from your WordPress site, there are lots of Jetpack fork on the plugin repository.

Support for WP-IG


I recently publish WP-IG, a plugin which enables you to sync and import your Instagram content to your WordPress site. Opus has been made to display those imported Instagram photo / video effortlessly.

Better Support For Video Format Plugin

I’m a fan of Crowd Favorite’s wp-post-format plugin. It gives a better UX for WordPress’ post format feature:

Post format Interface by Crowd Favorite's wp-post-format

This plugin stores some meta information on the post meta. For video post format, it stores the embed code, oEmbed-supported link, or URL to the video on _format_video_embed post meta. Opus now parses and handles this meta data nicely.

Design Tweaking

Opus aims to provide great reading experience. Every time I opened my blog which uses Opus, I think of what bothers me and how can I improve the overall experience. Hence I made few changes:

  • Smaller content width to make featured image on post format image more digestable
  • Changing typography from open sans to roboto (IMO it is more sharper especially when it is used on large font-size)
  • Adding parallax effect to page image cover
  • Adding subtle shadow at some UI to give sense of depth to the layout, inspired by Android Material Design


Improvements aside, there are things that are fixed on this current release:

  • Hiding tag box if there’s no tag to be displayed
  • Fixing top nav behavior on small screen


That’s pretty much about it now. I hope you enjoy Opus as much as I do.

You can download Opus version 1.1 on WordPress Themes Directory.