The reason why I don’t really into “Ghost”, regardless its beautiful UI and markdown support, is WordPress can be Ghost-ified. Apprently, this is not a mere idea now. This morning I just found the news that Crowd Favorite releases Capsule. It is designed to be Developer’s code Journal built on top of WordPress (it is a theme, btw). However, the way I tried it, I can say that Capsule feels like Ghost-ifying WordPress.
Oh man, WordPress FTW.
markdown itu apa fik? kok disebut itu kelebihannya ghost dibanding WP? Bagus emang fungsinya?
Markdown itu sistem penulisan yang memudahkan formatting sih sederhananya Pak. Contoh:
**bold** –> jadi bold
*italic* –> jadi italic
> blockquote
– list item
# heading 1
## heading 2
Intinya memudahkan formatting: agar formatting bisa dilakukan tanpa harus meninggalkan keyboard