#365 #13 #monday left: utilizing facebook to help my research by posting list of reference i need. Who know someone might help. Right: the revision is so much (structurally) i decide to rewrite it again le sigh. I don’t know why i prefer to axe it out. This is the version 4 so farView Original: <a href=’http://instagram.com/p/UdjXALCCLV/’ title=’#365 #13 #monday left: utilizing facebook to help my research by posting list of reference i need. Who know someone might help. Right: the revision is so much (structurally) i decide to rewrite it again le sigh. I don’t know why i prefer to axe it out. This is the version 4 so far’ target=’_blank’>http://instagram.com/p/UdjXALCCLV/